Hello, Brave One. Welcome.
As a Licensed Mental Health and Marriage and Family Therapist, I started my practice to help individuals, couples, and families to fear less and be more. This means overcoming the fears that limit your wellbeing and happiness. Some examples of fear getting in the way include: |
- individuals who are dissatisfied with life or find themselves worried about the future
- couples who avoid or have heated conflicts that seem to go no where
- kids who dread school, procrastinate, have trouble socializing, or who act out to get their needs met
- parents who are frustrated with their child's behavior and/or family dynamics and feel stuck or helpless
Fear is often our first response in conflict and change, but it doesn't have to be. We typically learn to be afraid because of our experiences and the influence of others, especially our childhood caregivers.
I've grown from an anxiety-driven person to someone who appreciates fear. I respect it and have befriended it. Fear is extremely useful in saving our lives. Unfortunately, many of us have fear beyond life or death situations. Sometimes it’s paralyzing. This fear often isolates us and can keep us from reaching our highest potential. We sacrifice our wellbeing and our relationships by succumbing to fear.
I have been through a few intense experiences in the last few years that allowed me to face my insecurities and to fear less. First, was my fear of failure in choosing to divorce in 2013. Next, fear of losing my mother, who died later that same year. Both of these events sparked a developmental leap toward knowing my self and befriending my self.
In the following year, my self connection and growth led to confidence in my ability to become a mother, an idea that terrified me before. I wasn't sure I wanted to marry again, but knew I wanted to be a mother. I became pregnant in 2016. Unmarried, I struggled with societal messages and my fear of what other people would think. I chose to not let others' opinions get in the way of my fulfillment.
Now, I'm responsible for a human being, which can be terrifying at times, especially knowing how important caregivers are and the impact events can have on development. And yet I continue to engage my fear, learning from it and befriending it, and I continue to be amazed by the power of this process.
The process requires acknowledging and exploring insecurities, attending to inner wisdom and seeking to understand the true source and role of worries, allowing movement beyond fear. Through this process, you realize you are enough and you will survive life's challenges.
Through my personal experience, the research I've studied in neuroscience, and the therapeutic techniques I've been trained in, I offer you the opportunity to fear less and be more. You are enough. You will survive. Lets do this together.